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Campaign Management • BI

Marketing Automation & Campaign Management, Actionable Insight & Analysis

Marketing Automation & Campaign Management


We provide enterprise-grade Marketing Automation & Campaign Management solutions based on leading Enterprise Marketing Suites that provide a comprehensive closed-loop Marketing solution that empowers B2B and B2C organizations across industries to achieve excellence in Marketing.

Tailored to the needs of Business and Consumer marketers across more than 20 industries, the Enterprise Marketing Suite delivers actionable insight to all members of the marketing organization. It streamlines the planning, execution, and budgeting of personalized, permission-based campaigns. It provides integrated workflow and collaboration capabilities for campaign approval and execution, financial modelling to optimize the allocation of marketing expenses and a marketing command centre to track campaigns across the organization.


Marketers can easily create and automate rich multistage, multi-channel, recurring, and event-triggered campaigns that include different offers, approaches, and channels (Call Center, Email, Web, SMS/MMS, Shops/Branches, Field Sales, Letter, Fax, etc.). Key features of the solution include:​

  • Campaign Management, which shortens planning and development cycles

  • Permission-Based Marketing, which creates personalized campaigns across channels

  • Targeted E-Mail & Web Campaigns, that leverage the Internet to acquire new customers and build customer loyalty

  • Data Management Platform (DMP), to combine 1st party, 2nd party and 3rd party data to increase the effectiveness and the relevance of your marketing actions

  • Profitable Interaction Centers, which combine with the Contact Center to improve outbound telemarketing and inbound call handling

  • Field Conversion Rates that ensure the effectiveness of field sales campaigns

  • Joint Marketing with Partners, which leverages business Partners/Dealers to maximize sales and marketing opportunities

  • Marketing Resource Management (MRM) to automate, streamline and manage the Marketing processes and provide insight in the allocation of budgets and the results of the marketing actions

  • Marketing Analytics to track and measure campaign effectiveness, while optimising the marketing mix and expenditure

Actionable Insight & Analysis

In today's volatile and complex economic environment, comprehensive, credible and actionable insights are essential to decision-making and to optimising business processes for greater efficiency and profitability. A 360-degree view of your customers, prospects, partners and employees is fundamental to both strategic and tactical decisions. This is the main reason why Business Intelligence (BI) & Analytics applications are crucial to addressing today's challenges and to capitalising on tomorrow's opportunities. These applications are complete, prebuilt business intelligence solutions which integrate data from systems across the enterprise, including customer relationship management, financial, human resources and supply chain to provide a comprehensive, real-time view of enterprise operations.


BI & Analytics applications are complete prebuilt solutions addressing the business intelligence needs of the entire organisation. They contain all the appropriate technology to integrate data from enterprise systems, combine it into an integrated view across the organisation and deliver real-time, actionable insights and intuitive, personalised intelligence dashboards and alerts.


The comprehensive BI & Analytics applications provide hundreds of key performance indicators (KPIs) and pre-built reports delivered in customisable dashboards:

  • Marketing Analytics - Improve targeting and segmentation by analysing customer data and behaviors, increase the effectiveness and ROI of marketing budgets and provide actionable insight on marketing KPIs

  • Sales Analytics - Improve sales effectiveness and efficiency by providing actionable insights, improve forecasting and budgeting, increase sales performance, revenues and sales-related KPIs and help reduce sales cycles.

  • Service Analytics - Optimise efficiency, effectiveness and performance across multiple channels, improve service requests resolution, increase customer satisfaction and retention, measure service KPIs and reduce service costs.

  • Employee Analytics - Increase employee productivity and retention, provide deep insights on employee performance and costs, while helping in managing employee compensation.

These BI & Analytics applications run on a mission-critical, performant, scalable, secure, reliable and robust architecture which leverages existing investments in operational and data warehouse systems.

Reach out to us to Learn More.

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